The 巴伦和埃林·戈登艺术画廊 at 最靠谱的网赌软件 will present an art exhibition celebrating the life and work of Mary "Mama Girlonly(1953 - 2018)在2024年秋天. 展览将免费向公众开放. 请加入我们的努力 分享你对“妈妈女孩”的怀念和思念 http://bit.ly/MamaGirl 请邀请其他人也这样做! If you prefer, you may mail your remembrances to: 巴伦和埃林·戈登艺术画廊, 4509 Monarch Way, Norfolk, VA 23508.
For updates, 在Facebook和Instagram上关注@oduarts和@gordonartgalleries, 加入我们的邮件列表 here!
On view Jan. 12 - May 4, 2024
开幕酒会:1月. 11 at 6 p.m.
杰克·麦考德(1945 - 2009, 乔治娅从小就在自家的农场里种植和采摘庄稼. 后来他为那个城市割草,开卡车, 这证明他工作特别努力. In the mid-1980s McCord began to paint and took inspiration from his life and several television sets running simultaneously in his home. He installed paintings on his front porch for passersby to see and would allow them to be sold only after feeling they had been on view for the right amount of time. 麦考德描述了他对人物的描绘, animals, 和欢乐的场景, which helped keep him company and which he hoped would help those who saw his work. This exhibition presents a number of those jolly paintings from the porch.
3月12日,星期二,下午12:30.m. EST
Collector of self-taught, folk, and outsider art, Chris Ross shares insights from his passion.
On view: Mar. 1, 2024 - Apr. 6, 2024
Featuring artwork from students actively working in the ODU Art Department Studio Arts programs, and selected by a juror who is an active professional within the Visual Arts.
Feb. 3 - May 6, 2023
Sam Bartlett:低风险,胶合板裁剪 & Everyday Comix
开幕酒会:2月. 2, 6 - 8 p.m.
山姆·巴特利特是一位美国民间艺术家, 公共艺术煽动者, cartoonist, performer, musician, and composer.
As an artist, Sam specializes in painting and cutting sculptures from salvaged wood. He derives inspiration from the naturally low stakes involved in using free materials.
山姆几乎不为他的艺术作品做计划或素描, 更喜欢尝试利用第一次拍摄的能量. Common themes in his work include complex physical relationships between people, 事物之上的事物, 东西被咬被吃, 旧时和爱尔兰音乐社区, and mortality. He has been strongly influenced by artists Peter Schumann, Howard Finster, and Gustav Vigeland.
混凝土海洋:Leigh Merrill的作品
On view Jan.2024年2月12日至17日
开幕酒会:1月11日星期四. 11 at 6 p.m.
“Culling through thousands of individual photographs and videos I make of architecture and landscaping; I digitally assemble these sources to create my work. 有些图像是真实的, but more often, they suggest a visual hyperbole – an embellished scene circulating around a small object or detail. I am continually fascinated with photography’s ability to be evidence of existence – creating an image with seeming veracity – and simultaneously, 调解和建构现实的系统. I use photography to observe and then digitally combine my photographs to construct spaces that do not exist, 允许创建图像, 通过隐喻和幻觉, reveal both the desire and simulacrum present around us and within photography itself.”
Gordon the Robot
Affectionately nicknamed "Gordon" after the art galleries' namesakes—Baron and Ellin Gordon—this innovative telepresence robot allows remote visits from around the world.
Gordon can move around the space, raise and lower height, and zoom in on art. The remote driver can interact live with staff in the galleries and also invite friends, colleagues, 和学生们一起参观.
关注@oduarts Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates.
Jan. 21 - May 7, 2022
开幕酒会改期一月. 27, 6 - 8 p.m.
Detainees at the United States military prison camp known as Guantánamo Bay have made art from the time they arrived. The 艺术来自Guantánamo湾 展览将展出其中101件令人回味的作品, 由未经审判的人制造, 有些甚至超过了15年. The six artists include both current (Moath Al Alwi and Ahmed Rabbani) and former (Muhammad Ansi, Abdualmalik(阿拉伯语)Abud, Sabri Al Qurashi, Mansoor Adayfi)被拘留者, 他们中没有人被指控犯罪.
Most pieces in the exhibition were taken from Guantánamo by the detainees' attorneys for this showing and following a laborious process of searching, scanning, 以及Guantánamo官员对隐藏信息的分析. A stamp reading "Approved by US Forces" signals that a work has been cleared, 而且邮票上的墨水经常会渗到背面的图像上, 创造一种艺术与权威的鬼魅混合.
艺术来自Guantánamo湾 includes drawings and paintings as well as sculptures crafted with the few materials permitted to detainees, 包括用衬衫碎片做的模型船, prayer caps, razors, and mops. As former detainee Mansoor Adayfi explains in his New York Times essay "In Our Prison on the Sea,“海”意味着没有人能够控制或拥有的自由, 人人享有自由.“尽管被拘留者被关押在靠近大海的地方, tarps blocked their view until they were removed for four days in 2014 in anticipation of a hurricane; after that, Adayfi recalls, “所有会画画的人都画关于大海的画."
Aug. 30 - Nov. 12, 2022
11月闭幕酒会. 10, 6 - 8 p.m.
DesignHer is an exhibition of contemporary graphic design focusing on women practitioners. Highlighting how women have been at the forefront of defining and challenging the conceptions of design, the exhibition presents a sampling of the various purposes design is put to in our culture and the motivations that prompted its use. Participants range from younger artists building a reputation to internationally renowned leaders in the discipline, and works range from individually crafted objects to mass media campaigns.
从陪审员那里获得洞察力 卡尔·弗洛伊德·麦德利三世 and students of the 2021年评审学生展览 in this in-depth look at the show! 祝贺学生Lyn Dowling(21届), Andre Jacobs ('21), and Korrine Maher ('21) whose artwork has been selected by the ODU President and First Lady from the Juried Student Exhibition for display in the Jacobson House presidential residence for the 2021-2022 academic year!